Dream Center

Developing House Churches In The Heart Of Havana

Reaching The Heart Of The City

The original church in Cojimar, Nueva Vida, will establish a minimum of ten house churches in various areas in center of Havana City. These house churches would feed into the dream center.
Service to the Community:  To minister to the in all aspects of life to the 650,000 people within a two mile radius of the center in Havana.  The building was purchased in December of 2022 by a large church in Florida.  In its current state the building is being used as a ministry to reach people in Havana.
At the first service in the newly purchased building twenty people receive the Lord and Savior and Redeemer while many others were touched by the presence of the Lord.
Future Plans:  The original church in Cojimar wants to expand on the Dream Center’s services to minister to the 650,000 people living within a two mile radius of the Dream Center by renovating the two story building.

The first floor will function as a
•Training center
•Outreach center
•Compassion center
•Ministry center.
The second floor will serve as a local church.