Suitcase Ministry

An easy way to partner in supporting Cuban families

Partner From Right Where You Are

Purpose:  To allow people who may never go on a mission trip to feel part of what God is doing for the Cuban national.
 Support to the Community:  To come alongside the Cuban nationals and support their lifestyle by providing basic needs due to the fact that the average income in Cuba is lower for most people.

Due to recent events, the struggles families and individuals face in Cuba have increased.  Before the pandemic it was very hard for Cubans to purchase the essentials to survive. Most of the time they would do without except for food and water.  However, as a result of the pandemic Cuban’s have seen a rise in inflation with the government shutting down several key industries resulting in the increased need to purchase imported products at higher cost.  With the cost-of-living increase, many of the individuals in Cuba lack basic necessities we take for granted.

How the Suitcase Ministry works:  Come alongside Victory Harvest Church by providing some very basic items used in daily life to be distributed during the various outreaches to minister the gospel.  

Victory Harvest plans mission outreaches to Cuba three to four times a year.  The airlines of our choice will allow up to two free checked bags per ticket.   Our personal items are packed in carry-on luggage thus freeing up both checked bags to be filled with 50 pounds each of items to be distributed during ministry outreaches.
Place a suitcase in the foyer of the church with a sign listing the most needed items.  
Another way to get items to fill suitcases is for Medicare recipients to use their quarterly allotment of over-the-counter medication and supplies to send to Cuba.

Items may include:
•Vitamins due to the lack of balance nutrition
•Over the counter medications
•Medical supplies
•Ink pens